Please keep in mind that my website is still a work in progress. 

"Psychology Club is an optional extra-curricular organization available to all students at Westminster College. By combining clinical, developmental, social, behavioral, and biological aspects of Psychology in its activities, Psychology Club helps students form an interdisciplinary perspective of Psychology. Psychology Club is an excellent way for undeclared students to explore aspects of Psychology to see if the field is right for them. In addition, because the club includes multiple perspectives of Psychology through different activities, it gives current Psychology majors a chance to determine which emphasis to pursue. The club also offers students a chance to use the concepts learned in Psychology classes in a fun, interesting setting. Members of Psychology Club will have the opportunity to build multiple relationships with other students who share their interests. Psychology Club activities include service projects, movie showings, information sessions, and group discussions with faculty and community participation. Whether you’re a first year student or senior, Psychology Club can help you enrich your knowledge and aid in your exploration of the multidimensional field of Psychology."